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What to do if infected with HPV?

What to do if infected with HPV?

There is currently no specific medication to cure HPV. If you are unfortunately infected with HPV, it is important to seek medical attention from a reputable healthcare facility. 

Approaches to three diseases:

1. Skin Warts:

Skin warts do not require specific treatment. Taking common warts as an example, 65% of patients will naturally regress within 1 year, and approximately 90% of patients will regress within 5 years. Only a few patients may experience recurrence.

However, if skin warts persist for a long time, they may increase in number or cause discomfort and affect appearance. Different treatment methods are available for different types of warts.

2. Genital Warts:

Currently, the main methods for treating genital warts are topical medications and physical treatments.

  • Topical medications: These include antiviral drugs, medications that cause the warts to necrotize and fall off, among others.
  • Physical treatments: These involve the use of methods such as laser therapy, cryotherapy (freezing), electrocautery, microwave therapy, photodynamic therapy, etc., to remove the warts and promote healing of the skin and mucous membranes. In cases where the warts are larger, surgical removal may also be performed.

3.  Skin and Other Site Cancers:

If a high-risk HPV infection leads to skin cancer or cancer in other sites, further examinations are necessary to determine the extent of the disease before establishing a treatment plan.

For example, in the case of cervical cancer, tests such as cervical cytology (TCT), HPV testing, colposcopy, and biopsy are performed to assess the condition of the cervix. If no precancerous lesions are found, regular follow-ups as instructed by the doctor are sufficient.

However, if there are signs of abnormal changes, treatment will be based on individual circumstances. Early detection and treatment can lead to a higher chance of cure.

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